Samuel Rhee Samuel Rhee


If getting old is unavoidable, one of the biggest issues is the undereye sagging, also known as festoons and malar bags. Dr. Salvatore Pacella @sandiegoplasticsurgeon, world expert on eyelid and periorbital surgery, take Dr. Sam Jejurikar @samjejurikar, and Dr. Sam Rhee @bergencosmetic through a number of cases showing before and afters. You won't believe these are the same people after seeing the amazing rejuvenative results!

#podcast #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #beauty #boardcertified #aesthetic #3plasticsurgeonsandamicrophone ⁠#bergencosmetic ⁠#bestplasticsurgeon #beforeafter #aesthetics #realpatientrealresult #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgery #nyplasticsurgeon #nyplasticsurgery

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Samuel Rhee Samuel Rhee


The latest phenomenon known as "Ozempic face," #OzempicFace is all over social media. This new weight loss medication and similar medications, Wegovy and Mounjaro, has been sweeping the United States, resulting in the fear that losing weight with these medications would result in a hollow, saggy, droopy facial appearance.

Well, the Three Plastic Surgeons have the actual scoop on #OzempicFace, with one of our surgeons who describes what one of these new weigh-loss medications did for him, analyzing his own face and discussing possible solutions for combating "Ozempic face." If you want the real deal, this episode is a can't miss!

#podcast #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #beauty #boardcertified #aesthetic #3plasticsurgeonsandamicrophone ⁠#bergencosmetic ⁠#bestplasticsurgeon #beforeafter #aesthetics #realpatientrealresult #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgery #nyplasticsurgeon #nyplasticsurgery

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Episode 61: Thursday December 01
Samuel Rhee Samuel Rhee

Episode 61: Thursday December 01

On a special episode of 3 Plastic Surgery Podcast, Dr. Sam Jejurikar @samjejurikar, and Dr. Sam Rhee @bergencosmetic record their thoughts returning from Bangladesh on a surgical mission trip with a medical team from @smilebangladesh.

All three plastic surgeons, including Dr. Salvatore Pacella @sandiegoplasticsurgeon, have worked with charitable groups for many years to utilize their surgical skills to help children in need. We discuss the challenges of working with underserved populations and what makes charitable care so special.

#podcast #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #beauty #boardcertified #aesthetic #3plasticsurgeonsandamicrophone ⁠#bergencosmetic ⁠#bestplasticsurgeon #beforeafter #aesthetics #realpatientrealresult #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgery #nyplasticsurgeon #nyplasticsurgery

#gratefuleveryday #blessed #givingback #cleftlip #cleftpalate #makingsmiles

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Episode 60: Friday November 25
Samuel Rhee Samuel Rhee

Episode 60: Friday November 25

One of the most challenging operations in plastic surgery is a revision rhinoplasty, or nose job. Think of the prominent celebrities who had to wrestle with bad outcomes after surgery.

Today we talk to special guest Dr. Yash Avashia @dryash, board certified plastic surgeon in Dallas Texas, who specializes in revision rhinoplasties. He shares his tips and tricks with Dr. Salvatore Pacella @sandiegoplasticsurgeon, Dr. Sam Jejurikar @samjejurikar, and Dr. Sam Rhee @bergencosmetic on how he manages the difficult technical challenges that a "botched" nose job can pose.

A board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Yash earned his undergraduate degree at the University of Miami. He then attended the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. After graduating from medical school, he completed a plastic and reconstructive surgery residency at Duke University Medical Center and an aesthetic surgery fellowship at Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute.

#podcast #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #beauty #boardcertified #aesthetic #3plasticsurgeonsandamicrophone ⁠#bergencosmetic ⁠#bestplasticsurgeon #beforeafter #aesthetics #realpatientrealresult #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgery #nyplasticsurgeon #nyplasticsurgery

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Episode 59: Thursday November 17
Samuel Rhee Samuel Rhee

Episode 59: Thursday November 17

Belly buttons are little, but they are a big deal, especially in tummy tucks. How can you get a great belly button appearance after your surgery?

Today we talk to special guest Dr. Bradley Hubbard @bradleyhubbardmd, board certified plastic surgeon in Dallas Texas, who has studied the belly button exhaustively. He shares his tips and tricks with Dr. Salvatore Pacella @sandiegoplasticsurgeon, Dr. Sam Jejurikar @samjejurikar, and Dr. Sam Rhee @bergencosmetic on how to feel comfortable wearing that two piece after that mommy makeover.

Dr. Hubbard graduated from Upstate Medical University, where he was chosen for the Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society and graduated cum laude. He completed his plastic surgery residency at the University of Missouri, receiving the Most Outstanding Resident of the Year Award, and the Excellence in Resident Teaching Award. He completed an additional year of training at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, specializing in aesthetic surgery. As a member of the renowned Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute, Dr. Hubbard focuses on adult aesthetic and reconstructive surgery.

#podcast #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #beauty #boardcertified #aesthetic #3plasticsurgeonsandamicrophone ⁠#bergencosmetic ⁠#bestplasticsurgeon #beforeafter #aesthetics #realpatientrealresult #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgery #nyplasticsurgeon #nyplasticsurgery

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Episode 58: Thursday November 03
Samuel Rhee Samuel Rhee

Episode 58: Thursday November 03

Have you ever wondered how someone graduating from medical school becomes a plastic surgeon? Today we talk to special guest Dr. Amanda Gosman @aagosman, who trains plastic surgeons for a living. Dr. Amanda Gosman is a board certified plastic surgeon who is chief of the Division of Plastic Surgery at UC San Diego School of Medicine and Director of the Plastic Surgery Residency Program and the Craniofacial Fellowship Program. She is also the director of the Fresh Start Clinic for Craniofacial Anomalies at Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego.

Dr. Salvatore Pacella @sandiegoplasticsurgeon, Dr. Sam Jejurikar @samjejurikar, and Dr. Sam Rhee @bergencosmetic discuss how plastic surgery training has changed over the years, how to safely incorporate aesthetic surgery in residency training, and the challenges facing newly trained plastic surgeons.

Dr. Gosman completed her fellowship in craniofacial and pediatric plastic surgery and her residency training at the University of Texas Southwestern. She also completed a one-year fellowship in international plastic surgery with ReSurge International (formerly Interplast). She earned her medical degree from Case Western Reserve University.

As a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Gosman’s clinical interests include cleft lip and palate surgery, pediatric and adult craniofacial surgery, microsurgical facial reanimation, breast reconstruction and aesthetic surgery. Her research is focused on cleft lip and palate surgeries, plastic surgery outcomes, telemedicine and international health.

#podcast #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #beauty #boardcertified #aesthetic #3plasticsurgeonsandamicrophone ⁠#bergencosmetic ⁠#bestplasticsurgeon #beforeafter #aesthetics #realpatientrealresult #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgery #nyplasticsurgeon #nyplasticsurgery

#ucsdplasticsurgery #diversifyplasticsurgery #globalsurgery #craniofacial

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Episode 57: Thursday November 03
Samuel Rhee Samuel Rhee

Episode 57: Thursday November 03

Why are plastic surgeons thought of as wizards when dealing with scars? Can we really make them disappear? The 3 Plastic Surgeons tackle one of the constant challenges faced by plastic surgeons - scar management. How do scars heal? How can we optimize scar healing?

Dr. Salvatore Pacella @sandiegoplasticsurgeon leads the discussion with Dr. Sam Jejurikar @samjejurikar and Dr. Sam Rhee @bergencosmetic about tips and tricks to getting the best scar result after surgery or even a traumatic injury.

#podcast #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #beauty #boardcertified #aesthetic #3plasticsurgeonsandamicrophone ⁠#bergencosmetic ⁠#bestplasticsurgeon #beforeafter #aesthetics #realpatientrealresult #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgery #nyplasticsurgeon #nyplasticsurgery

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Episode 56: Thursday October 27
Samuel Rhee Samuel Rhee

Episode 56: Thursday October 27

Patients have always had two options for breast augmentation: saline implants, or silicone implants. Is there now a third choice for patients?

Guest Gabe Walters, Vice President for US Sales for the IDEAL IMPLANT Inc., speaks on the 3PlasticSurgeryPodcast about the IDEAL IMPLANT, a structured saline breast implants that gives "the peace of mind of saline" AND " the more realistic look and natural feel of silicone gel."

Dr. Sam Jejurikar @samjejurikar, Dr. Salvatore Pacella @sandiegoplasticsurgeon and Dr. Sam Rhee @bergencosmetic discuss the origin of the IDEAL IMPLANT and what makes it a third option for patients seeking breast augmentation.

#podcast #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #beauty #boardcertified #aesthetic #3plasticsurgeonsandamicrophone ⁠#bergencosmetic ⁠#bestplasticsurgeon #beforeafter #aesthetics #realpatientrealresult #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgery #nyplasticsurgeon #nyplasticsurgery

(Please note that Drs. Pacella, Jejurikar, and Rhee have no financial interest in IDEAL IMPLANT, Inc., and none have received compensation or other consideration for discussion of IDEAL IMPLANT on their podcast.)

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Episode 55: Thursday October 20
Samuel Rhee Samuel Rhee

Episode 55: Thursday October 20

Should you be asking for TXA (Tranexamic acid) in your cosmetic surgery procedure?

If you asked plastic surgeons 5 years ago if they used TXA- nearly all of them would have said no.

Originally approved for heavy menstrual bleeding and tooth extraction in hemophiliacs, TXA has been used off-label in cardiac, orthopedic and many other types of surgery.

Recently TXA has made its way to plastic surgery, where surgeons are reportedly using it for nearly every aesthetic plastic surgical procedure - facelifts, liposuction, tummy tucks, breast lifts, and more.

Does it really reduce bleeding, swelling and increase speed of recovery? Dr. Sam Rhee @bergencosmetic, Dr. Salvatore Pacella @sandiegoplasticsurgeon and Dr. Sam Jejurikar @samjejurikar discuss TXA, how and why they use it, and whether it really is a "WONDER DRUG" for cosmetic plastic surgery.


#podcast #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #beauty #boardcertified #aesthetic #3plasticsurgeonsandamicrophone ⁠#bergencosmetic ⁠#bestplasticsurgeon #beforeafter #aesthetics #realpatientrealresult #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgery #nyplasticsurgeon #nyplasticsurgery

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Episode 54: Thursday October 13
Samuel Rhee Samuel Rhee

Episode 54: Thursday October 13

What is the smallest, yet biggest plastic surgery operation? Certainly a nose job (rhinoplasty) qualifies! Dr. Salvatore Pacella @sandiegoplasticsurgeon takes point today and discusses the finer points of rhinoplasty with Dr. Sam Jejurikar @samjejurikar and Dr. Sam Rhee @bergencosmetic as they delve into an area of the face where form and function are both critical to a successful surgical result.

#podcast #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #beauty #boardcertified #aesthetic #3plasticsurgeonsandamicrophone ⁠#bergencosmetic ⁠#bestplasticsurgeon #beforeafter #aesthetics #realpatientrealresult #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgery #nyplasticsurgeon #nyplasticsurgery #breastreduction #transformation ⁠#rhinoplasty

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Episode 53: Thursday October 06
Samuel Rhee Samuel Rhee

Episode 53: Thursday October 06

"All I want to do is wear clothing and not have to wear a bra!" Many patients come in with this goal. However, with breast augmentation surgery, some patients may require more support than their bodies can provide. A technique called "Internal bra" or mesh support can help. New generation meshes can help to provide lift in patients who need it.

Who needs internal bras? What are they made of? How do they work? Dr. Sam Jejurikar @samjejurikar leads the discussion with Dr. Salvatore Pacella @sandiegoplasticsurgeon and Dr. Sam Rhee @bergencosmetic as they delve into the inner workings of the internal bra.

#podcast #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #boardcertified #plasticsurgeon #beauty #boardcertified #aesthetic #3plasticsurgeonsandamicrophone ⁠#bergencosmetic ⁠#bestplasticsurgeon #beforeafter #aesthetic #aesthetics #mastopexy #breastlift #realpatientrealresult #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgery #nyplasticsurgeon #nyplasticsurgery #breastreduction #transformation ⁠#nobreastimplants #boobjob #internalbra

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Episode 52: Thursday September 1
Samuel Rhee Samuel Rhee

Episode 52: Thursday September 1

What's going on with BBL surgery? Recently the Florida Board of Medicine enacted an emergency rule limiting Florida surgeons to performing three Brazilian butt lifts a day and required that they use ultrasound. BBL or Brazilian butt lifts, technically called gluteal fat grafting, involves injecting fat to enlarge or reshape patients’ buttocks.

Dr. Sam Jejurikar @samjejurikar takes us through the use of ultrasound in BBL surgery and discusses the technical aspects of ultrasound can be used help surgeons maximize safety.

Catch every episode with Drs. Salvatore Pacella @sandiegoplasticsurgeon, Sam Rhee @bergencosmetic, and Sam Jejurikar @samjejurikar on YouTube or your favorite podcast app!

#podcast #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #boardcertified #plasticsurgeon #beauty #boardcertified #aesthetic #3plasticsurgeonsandamicrophone ⁠#bergencosmetic ⁠#bestplasticsurgeon #beforeafter #aesthetic #aesthetics #realpatientrealresult #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgery #nyplasticsurgeon #nyplasticsurgery

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Episode 51: Thursday August 4
Samuel Rhee Samuel Rhee

Episode 51: Thursday August 4

What happens when the plastic surgeon has to get surgery? Our very own Dr. Salvatore Pacella recently underwent total knee arthroplasty (total knee replacement) surgery, which prevented him from working for months. Why would a busy plastic surgeon choose to undergo surgery? How did Dr. Pacella plan for the surgery? Who did he choose to perform the surgery? What was the outcome?

We discuss all this with Dr. Pacella and find out his perspective on the other side of the operating table. find out more at https://3plasticsurgerypodcast.com/

#podcast #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #boardcertified #plasticsurgeon #beauty #boardcertified #aesthetic #3plasticsurgeonsandamicrophone ⁠#bergencosmetic ⁠#bestplasticsurgeon #beforeafter #aesthetic #aesthetics #realpatientrealresult #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgery #nyplasticsurgeon #nyplasticsurgery

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Episode 50: Thursday July 21
Samuel Rhee Samuel Rhee

Episode 50: Thursday July 21

How important is gender affirming surgery? Gender affirming surgery is on the rise, with patient demand expected to grow from a market value of $300 million in 2019 to potentially $1.5 billion by 2026. Despite the ongoing political conflict over gender rights and care, gender affirming surgery is now an important aspect of comprehensive plastic surgery care.

Drs. Salvatore Pacella @sandiegoplasticsurgeon, Sam Jejurikar @samjejurikar, and Sam Rhee @bergencosmetic welcome guest @drmanishchampaneria Dr. Manish Champaneria. We talk to Dr. Champaneria about his expertise regarding gender affirming (transgender) surgery, specifically top procedures. If you are interested in gender affirming care, this episode is a this episode is a MUST - find out more at https://3plasticsurgerypodcast.com/

#podcast #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #boardcertified #plasticsurgeon #beauty #boardcertified #aesthetic #3plasticsurgeonsandamicrophone ⁠⁠#bestplasticsurgeon #beforeafter #aesthetic #aesthetics #realpatientrealresult #transformation ⁠#transgender #genderaffirming #trans #lgbt #nonbinary #mtf #ftm #gender

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Episode 49: Friday February 4
Samuel Rhee Samuel Rhee

Episode 49: Friday February 4

What if you could have naturally full, perkier breasts WITHOUT breast implants?

Drs. Salvatore Pacella @sandiegoplasticsurgeon, Sam Jejurikar @samjejurikar, and Sam Rhee @bergencosmetic welcome guest Dr. Andrew Trussler. We talk to Dr. Trussler about his expertise regarding auto breast augmentation, or natural breast shaping with a breast lift.

Board certified in plastic surgery, Andrew Trussler, MD, was an All-American swimmer at the University of Southern California. He also graduated Summa Cum Laude from the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California and was a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha medical honor society. After completing general surgery residency at the University of Michigan, Dr. Trussler obtained his plastic surgery training at the University of California, Los Angeles and then completed an aesthetic surgery fellowship at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas.

Dr. Trussler was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Plastic Surgery from 2007 to 2012 where he served as the director of both the cosmetic residency and fellowship programs, as well as the co-director of the abdominal wall reconstruction program. He now resides in Austin TX with his wife and 5 children, and practices in the Westlake area.

We catch up with Dr. Trussler, who reviews his technique and approach to maintaining volume, shape and size in patients without using implants and demonstrates multiple example cases. If you are interested in natural breast shaping this episode is a MUST

#podcast #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #boardcertified #plasticsurgeon #beauty #boardcertified #aesthetic #3plasticsurgeonsandamicrophone ⁠#bergencosmetic ⁠#bestplasticsurgeon #beforeafter #aesthetic #aesthetics #mastopexy #breastlift #realpatientrealresult #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgery #nyplasticsurgeon #nyplasticsurgery #breastreduction #transformation ⁠#nobreastimplants #boobjob

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Episode 48: Friday January 7
Samuel Rhee Samuel Rhee

Episode 48: Friday January 7

What is the secret to "Instagram cheekbones?" The procedure called buccal fat pad excision has been trending on TikTok ever since Chrissy Teigen revealed she underwent the procedure to thin her cheeks.

Drs. Sam Jejurikar @samjejurikar, Salvatore Pacella @sandiegoplasticsurgeon, and Sam Rhee @bergencosmetic discuss what exactly does the procedure entail? What you should know before getting the surgery, who the best candidates are, and the pros and cons of getting the procedure done.

#plasticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #cosmeticsurgery #surgery #beauty #boardcertified #beforeafter #aesthetic #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #buccalfatremoval #buccalfatpadremoval #buccalfat #cheekfatremoval #plasticsurgery #beautyclinics #aestheticclinic #3plasticsurgeonsandamicrophone ⁠#bestplasticsurgeon #buccalfatpad

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Episode 47: Friday December 3
Samuel Rhee Samuel Rhee

Episode 47: Friday December 3

Drs. Sam Jejurikar @samjejurikar, Salvatore Pacella @sandiegoplasticsurgeon, and Sam Rhee @bergencosmetic discuss the new FDA safety requirements and the updated study results for breast implants. Recently the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced a "black box" warning for breast implants. What does that scary-sounding term mean for patients? We break it down and discuss how this can lead to better informed patients and improved communication between patients and their surgeons.

#plasticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #cosmeticsurgery #surgery #beauty #boardcertified #beforeafter #aesthetic #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #implants #breastimplants #breastaugmentation #breastaug #natrelle #boobjob #gummybearimplants #3plasticsurgeonsandamicrophone ⁠#bestplasticsurgeon

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Episode 46: Friday November 26
Samuel Rhee Samuel Rhee

Episode 46: Friday November 26

After a hiatus - we are back and better than ever!

Drs. Sam Jejurikar @samjejurikar, Salvatore Pacella @sandiegoplasticsurgeon, and Sam Rhee @bergencosmetic discuss NON INVASIVE BODY CONTOURING, including the treatment which has been in the headlines - CoolSculpt. Is it better than liposuction? Is it safe? What other options are out there?

#podcast #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #boardcertified #plasticsurgeon #beauty #aesthetic #3plasticsurgeonsandamicrophone ⁠#bestplasticsurgeon #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #liposuction #lipo #coolsculpt

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Episode 45: Sunday July 25
Samuel Rhee Samuel Rhee

Episode 45: Sunday July 25

Drs. Sam Jejurikar @samjejurikar, Salvatore Pacella @sandiegoplasticsurgeon, and Sam Rhee @bergencosmetic revisit the tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty.
Our previous episode was one of the most watched, and today we discuss another case and about the many factors which should be taken into consideration when choosing best techniques.
If you or anyone you know is considering a tummy tuck, this episode is a MUST WATCH Sunday 7/25 at 11 AM EST (8A PST)⁠!
#podcast #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #rheeplasticsurgery #boardcertified #plasticsurgeon #beauty #bergencosmetic #boardcertified #aesthetic #3plasticsurgeonsandamicrophone ⁠#bestplasticsurgeon #tummytuck #abdominoplasty #mommymakeover #realpatientrealresult #rheeplasticsurgery #njplasticsurgeon #njplasticsurgery #nyplasticsurgeon #nyplasticsurgery #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon

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Episode 44: Monday July 5
Samuel Rhee Samuel Rhee

Episode 44: Monday July 5

Drs. Sam Jejurikar @samjejurikar, Salvatore Pacella @sandiegoplasticsurgeon, and Sam Rhee @bergencosmetic discuss one of the MOST IMPORTANT decisions for patients undergoing breast augmentation: how to choose the RIGHT IMPLANT SIZE.

Unfortunately the most common reason for revision breast augmentation surgery is dissatisfaction with breast size. It is is extremely important to make sure patients are pleased with their breast size from the start.

If you or anyone you know is considering breast augmentaion, this episode is a MUST

#podcast #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #boardcertified #plasticsurgeon #beauty #boardcertified #aesthetic #3plasticsurgeonsandamicrophone ⁠#bestplasticsurgeon #implants #breastimplants #breastaugmentation #breastaug #boobjob #gummybearimplants

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Ever wonder if you should get plastic surgery?

Send us your pictures and we will tell you what we think on our live show!