Episode 3: Sunday June 28

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Drs. Sam Jejurikar, Salvatore Pacella, and Sam Rhee talk about myths and misconceptions of plastic surgery.

Dr. Pacella brings up the first one: Does plastic surgery mean you are putting plastic inside of me?

Then the surgeons briefly recap the latest in COVID conditions in their areas and what they are doing to keep patients safe.

Myths discussed today:

1. Plastic surgeons and cosmetic surgeons are the same

2. Plastic surgery is only if you are vain and/or have poor self esteem

3. Plastic surgery is expensive and not affordable

4. Liposuction is an easy and good way to lose weight

5. You don’t need liposuction or body contouring as long as you exercise and eat right

6. Fat will reappear in other areas after liposuction

7. It is better to gain weight before a BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift)

8. It is unsafe to breast feed after breast augmentation

9. Breast implants need to be changed out every 10 years

10.Botox is dangerous because it is a poison

11. Once you start Botox you have to keep getting Botox or your face will look worse than before

12. Injectible fillers will stretch out my face and/or deflate my face

13. Botox and fillers are not worth it because you have to keep getting treatments

14. Facial procedures look unnatural or artificial

15. Plastic surgery procedures are addictive and once you start you keep going with them.


Episode 4: Sunday July 5


Episode 2: Sunday June 21